Citations Affected:
IC 14-22-2.
Deer hunting. Provides that certain rifles may be used to hunt deer on privately
owned land during the firearms seasons beginning after June 30, 2016, and ending before January 1, 2020. Requires the department of natural resources (DNR) to report on the impact of the use of rifles to hunt deer. Authorizes the use of a handgun that fires a commercially available bullet of 10 millimeters in diameter to hunt deer.
(This conference committee report does the
following: (1) Authorizes the use of rifles during the firearms season for hunting deer
rather than requiring the director of the DNR to adopt rules to establish a rifle season. (2)
Deletes provisions restricting the rifle season to southern Indiana. (3) Provides that the use
of a rifle is permitted on privately owned land rather than on state owned hunting areas.
(4) Requires the rifle to be chambered for certain cartridges. (5) Changes the restriction
on magazine size to a restriction on the number of cartridges that a hunter using a rifle
may possess while hunting deer. (6) Deletes provisions authorizing the use of purple marks
to post real property against trespassers.)

There's a reason I like dogs better'n people... .