First, I need to say no matter how this goes, it won't affect my personal hunting style. I've hunted deer with the same firearm for most of my life. It kills them just fine.
However, I want to caution everyone on opening the can of worms to do an "end run" around the IDNR and it's public input style of management using legislative action. Many times laws can be enacted by a loud minority, such as may be happening with this bill, I don't know. But what if it was a group wanting to allow 4 bucks killed per year, or run firearm season from Oct. 1st to the first Sunday in January? It can just as easily work against you, then for you.
It is my understanding that during the public opinion phase of the HPR rule, it was pretty much an even split for/against. Unless there is overwhelming support for a change, the IDNR usually will not implement it. As flawed as some people feel IDNR's approach to management is, it is better to leave the management of wildlife to the biologists that get paid very little and base their proposals on science than to a bunch of legislators who may only be trying to garner some votes.
Sorry for my long winded post, I will try to keep them shorter if I post in the future.