Originally posted by sticksender:
And I appreciate the heads-up.

So let's say you have 250 acres enrolled in the program....you would gladly pay 500.00 per year, every year in perpetuity, to have "Classified Forest" signs on your land? That adds up to 10 grand, over a period of 20 years. For what benefit?

The only real incentive that they've been able to convince landowners to add their woods to the program was because it is taxed as forest acres with a 5.00 assessment per parcel. There's no other real benefit to a landowner. If they add this fee, all my land will come out of the program. It'll be cheaper to just pay normal property taxes on it. And I'd no longer have to tolerate their Forestry guys tromping around my place to do "inspections".
I understand you points and they are valid.....The withdrawal from classification penalty could also be very pricey!

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"