Matt Ubelhor, Don Lehe, Sean Eberhart maybe more are going to amend Brent Steele's SB 487 to include legalization of Canned Hunting. I am sure Steele will accept the amendment to his bill. He's not with us.

It seem the new Governor is on board with this, the Lt. Governor as well as she voted for it last time. So the DNR will not do anything.
I would suggest if hunters care about their sport and their deer herd they contact their house reps now as well as the media and get the word out on social media as well. We have had TB in a couple of captive herds, wild deer shot by sharpshoters as a precation. We have had escaped deer get loose including one from the captive herd in PA that tested positive. So sportsmen it's in you hands not the DNR. They work for Governor Pence not you.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..."