Theres a old coonhunters trick to breaking a gun shy dog.Its all about food.You withhold food the first day. Day 1 without food..You shoot a gun then try feeding the dog..If the dog does not eat right off.You take the food away until the 2nd day.Then try shooting again..By the 3rd day 90% of dogs will be eatting while your shooting a gun..Your better of using a starter pistol starting out.Or even use metal pans .It wont hurt your dog at all as long as they have water...But it wont work with all dogs some are just ruined....The best way to break dogs is when they are puppys.When you feed them starting at 3-4 weeks old you beat metal pans together..That breaks 99% of dogs and you never have touble with them...You can also leave metal pans in the kennels for them to play with...

owner -trainer Wild River Kennels..I know a little about everything and a lot about nothin...LOL.......