Originally posted by Weedhopper:
Count my posts in the past year. Tell me what my posts are related to. Seriously....this is childish because you're a total fuc.king idiot. You stir more schit here than anybody else does,,,with your incessant copy and paste illiteracy...

It gets old, Brewtard

Ban me...mods......I could care less. Brew is an embarrassment to this site...and I've read enough of his bullchit.
Yep now his fits are coming out ... Name calling and all !!

Grow up Weedy.....your childish banter is old BS
Seek help.... You can't even debate without personal attacks... Wow
BTW.... Only embarrassment is you and your attacks ...hope don't act like that at the FireHouse station!

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"