I have had the same problem while hunting. I have watched a buck come through the woods as a result of my calling only to have them spooked by another hunter or some sound out of the ordinary. I hunt squirrels on the other side of a farmer's path from a conservation area that can't be hunted. I have watched squirrels go from tree top to tree top over this path coming my way only to have the farmer come down the path & the squirrel take a turn to go a different direction.
We all have had everything coming in our direction & just before we snap the shutter or pull the trigger had it all fall apart. I am just happy to be out there & have the opportunity to get my hopes up to attempt to take a shot. It is creating an experience or memory that most never attempt. I have tried to get my daughters out to hunt or just to walk around to enjoy nature but they won't have any part of it. As most of the younger group they would rather play games on the computer or walk at the mall than get out to experience nature or create memories.
Misses are frustrating but that is what makes success feel so good. Can you imagine how boring it would be if every time you attempted something you had success easily?