me and a buddy was down in corydon,IN public land we went down Tuesday night and we had till Saturday to get it done.Wednesday morning was tough never heard a bird all day. Wednesday night we couldn't locate any so Thursday morning we just went out and hit the trails before day light. Thursday was a litter better then Wednesday we had 3 or 4 respond to the calls but just couldn't get them to come in. then Friday morning the storm came in. wake up at 4:30 raining hard so went back to sleep. back up around 8:00 rain was letting up so we got up and got ready to try again as we was driving around we seen 4 jakes out in a field so we thought we try to sneak up through the woods to the far side of the field and see if we could call them over. well after walking i bet 15 miles in three days we made it work all 4 came in and we double up both jakes but it was a good day. it was my buddy's first bird. glad i could call them in for us.. cant upload pic's it says file to big. but any way just wanted to share my story..
