Some buddies and I have leased a new piece of property in Eastern Kansas. We mainly have leased it for deer hunting and will put virtually no turkey hunting pressure on it. The property is in Osage County Kansas and is 800+ acres. While scouting this piece in December I saw a group of 12 Gobblers together and we have pictures of lots of turkeys since we have been running cameras in January. On another farm in the area 2 years ago I saw 400+ turkeys in one day. Needless to say the turkey hunting on this piece is sure to be awesome.

I also have a friend in the area that is an outfitter and would be more than happy to provide lodging. This farm is 9 hours from Indianapolis. Anyone who is interested in turkey hunting this place pm me and I can provide you more details. Thanks for the interest.

195 1/8, 162 4/8, 157 0/8, 154 0/8, 152 4/8, 152 1/8......
"LUCK IS CREATED by hardwork and preparation."
PROSTAFF FOR...Tenpoint, Hoyt, Summit, Scentlok, Wildlife Research Center, Lucky Buck, Rage, Hunter Safety System