I don't think hunting will be gone by 2050. I think that's ridiculous. Too much money involved and too many people with money love to hunt.

Just my opinion, but lack of access to "Quality" hunting is the biggest problem I see. I know most will call me crazy, but it's my opinion. When I was a teenager 35 years ago, even growing up in the city, I could go out and get permission to hunt GOOD LAND that wasn't PACKED with hunters. Public land wasn't wall-to-wall hunters like it is now. Much of our public land is barren today because so many people are pushed off land by leasing.
As PAV said, lack of small game hunting hurts too, because that's where kids got started. There was ACTION. Trying to get a kid to enjoy hunting public land deer is going to be a low success venture.

I know things change. Doesn't mean I have to agree with the course. Before someone chimes in and tells me to knock on doors, I KNOW I can get permission. I have. But if I don't already know them and they give me permission they'll give ANYBODY and EVERYBODY permission. There's already people hunting, hanging stands, trail cams...laying claim to the entire woods...it's a bad situation...been there done that.
Please don't tell me about the needle in a haystack permission you got last week. Yes it happens. But it's not common enough to change the course of this generation.