what was the total kill this year of all the park reductions ?... they are now being added to the total kill ... dont think they were doing this before.. did they do that last year ?.. previous years ? ... no tags are used in the reductions, but yet the the kill numbers are in the final totals ....... the 2016 summary shows graphs from the park kills, but were they always included in the total ?? I found the answer... no, not until 2016 were they included, but the totals were adjusted ..

Deer Harvested by Season
Previous summaries of Indiana deer hunting seasons
did not include harvest numbers from Indiana State Park
Reduction Hunts because those deer were checked in at
the properties and reported separately by the Division of
State Parks and Reservoirs. Now that the deer check-in
process is online for all hunters and hunts, deer harvested
during State Park Reduction Hunts are included
in the check-in database and can be reported with the
statewide totals. Therefore, the 2016 summary includes
harvest numbers from this year’s State Park Reduction
Hunts. Additionally, harvest totals from 1993 to 2015 have
been adjusted to include deer harvested during these
hunts (Figures 1 and 2).

The park hunt summary from 2016 showed 1219 deer being taken.....

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"