Originally posted by Magnum hunter:
I believe that some areas are more highly populated with deer than others. Around here, the farming community puts an impact on the deer because there are farmers who tend to take out deer habitat, and sometimes what I believe is too much. I have noticed a lot of habitat loss lately due to farm ground gain. BUT it's the farmers property so it's more than his right. Another big factor is the loss of predator control. The coyotes here are extremely abundant. I did not get a single fawn on trail cam all year and neither did some of my hunting friends. I did however find two dead fawns over the course of the summer who had been eaten clean by coyotes. More predator control is definitely needed and I hope that more hunters start to hunt them.
Loss of suitable habitat is always going to be the single biggest reason why deer numbers will be negatively impacted.

Just in my innocent opinion,
Why, do you have a guilty one? laugh :p