Originally posted by Cody.Query:
I however also agree that moving around the bonus limits will have little effect and I manage my own property accordingly for what it's worth.

JB's one antlered one antlerless seems like the best approach to me.
100% correct. In my county they took us from a 4 bonus antlerless to a 2 bonus antlerless. Granted it did remove the special stupid war on does season, but the move was nothing more than a psychological game by the State. Very very very few hunters kill more than two does per year, so the move from 4 to 2 is simply a "warm and fuzzy" feels good move so the State can say "see hunters, we are reducing the limits to help you out. In reality, they didn't do chit to the herd management, but protected their bread and butter license sales in a game of smoke and mirrors.

Like I said ... manage your own land, screw the State.

New Day Outdoors Productions - It's a New Day in the Outdoors
Magnus Broadheads
Take a child hunting.
Wear a safety harness at all times ... TRUST ME!