Let's be clear about the survey Jeff posted.The survey is on a national scale. All states are included. When I first saw the survey, I figured Indiana would get 8-12 responses. The number exceeded 120 responses when I counted yesterday. Indiana was tied for dead last at the time. Tells me there are alot more lurkers than posters on these websites. Heck, I check this website 3-4 times/week, but this is my first post in a year.
Regardless, the survey results echo the sentiments of most deer hunters I've talked with over the past 2-3 years.

My take on the status of the Indiana deer herd is far from optimistic. The harvest is on a downward spiral since prop 2 went into affect. Big surprise there! Too much...too fast..and no safety net. The bonus county system is a joke...always has been. Tell me again what percentage of deer hunters kill more than two deer per year? We're going to end up down roughly 20% from year one results...with the lowest overall harvest since 2003. This, despite longer seasons, longer range weapons and virtually unlimited tags. How does that NOT throw a flag in everyone's minds? BTW, you don't average a downturn to soften the blow. Would you do the same thing if we were talking about your annual income? Such logic is exactly why I cringe at the thought of the public input process driving decisions.

IMO, the primary reason our harvest is still six figures is private deer management. Both public land and non-managed private land hunters benefit from adjacent private management. Never thought I'd say it, but thank God for leasing! Might as well get on board folks, because at this rate, those who lease/own will soon be responsible for the majority of the deer herd (if not already). Kudos to those that fly their middle fingers at Indiana deer mis-management!

We, as hunters, find ourselves in a strange position. For years, we've preached hunter recruitment is necessary for the survival of the sport. We are now facing the even bigger threat of retaining our recruits. The number of people saying their hunting kids are giving up should be disturbing to us all. Please go back and read bean's post.

Got that off my chest...I'll go back to lurking now.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.