Originally posted by jbwhttail:
Jason, you have for years along with a few others preached the IDNR gospel. Your group changed the IDNR reduction plan by increasing weapons and season lengths, now when people are seeing the results you still " tow the line". We understand, it is human nature not to want to admit you were wrong.

People, the majority of deer hunters, trusted the IDNR to manage the deer herd in THEIR interest. Hunters shot and shot then shot some more until they are where we are today, regional deer desserts!

I can tell you the hunting population is p..sed and IDNR has lost support. Big changes are needed next year or we will have legislative interfearence again.Massaging numbers with excuses is not going to work.

I don't need to be involved, the day has come I predicted, IWDHM didn't get it done but others are uniting and getting organized for the push.... doing it the right way.
First of all, my name isn't jason (not that it matters), second...I don't tow anyone's line but my own.

Do I agree with all the IDNR has done? Nope. Did I agree with prop 1? Nope. Did I push for hprs? Nope. Did I push for prop 2? Yes I did and I would do it again tomorrow. Why? Because I wasn't about to watch a certain segment of hunters that paid the majority of the bills and managed the deer herd get pushed out of November to appease another segment of deer hunters without having my say in the matter. It was just that simple.

As far as the data goes that I post, it comes straight from the IDNR. I don't "massage" anything...If you disagree with the data, then your issue should be with the IDNR, not me. And while I've said in the past that I'm sure there are counties (or areas within counties) that have fewer deer than in the past, I'm pretty confident when I say that the harvest numbers that are posted by the IDNR show that OVERALL the herd is in pretty good shape or those numbers wouldn't be where they are, year after year after year.

Finally, I think any new groups that come along are going to find (like the IWDHM has) that while it's easy to question the IDNR, it's a h*ll of a lot harder to not only manage a deer herd, but manage that deer herd for ALL hunters and non-hunters alike...