Originally posted by jbwhttail:

Buy and or lease as large a tract of land you can afford. Form neighbor alliances on management goals. After that hunt and enjoy.
^^That my friends is 100% what makes the biggest difference in each of our personal areas we hunt. I'd add in habitat work (but that could fall in management goals) but this is 100% the answer!

Some of the biggest issues up here in the North side of the state is the lack of communication between area hunters. It can greatly impact harvest decisions the more area hunters talk and share herd knowledge with each other. One can quickly realize their numbers may be higher than what the localized herd is really at due to all their habitat work and not their neighbors....often triggering those neighbors asking what is working for them? I know of a handful of neighbors that have implemented habitat work or changed their hunting tactics due to this very thing!

Educate & Communicate...the best answer to resuscitate your deer numbers.