Originally posted by jjas:
[b]It took a generation of hunters to get us where we are today, "a declining deer herd".

With all due respect, it's easy to drop the "you get to reap what you have sown." card, but in reality you've been @ the forefront of these issues during the time it took to get where you say we are, so can you see a way to "fix" it?

I hope that you will take the time to answer the above. I'd truly appreciate it. [/b]
Whoaaaaaa!!!!..........wait a minute pup......

LOL!!!!.......... Joe's "Being at the forefront of these issues" ended over 5 years ago when people like you jjas took the reigns from Joe and the IDNR and made them throw out Prop 1.0...... this mess to explain is not Joe's anymore........ it's for the jjas's of this State to fix/explain, but they still want to blame who they took the reigns from many years ago.

Low lifes..... that ain't leavin' the "low life"....... "blamin' someone else for the MESSSSSS they made."........"don't want to reap what THEY'VE sown"...

Keep spewin' jjas........ just keep spewin'..... wink It just frosts you to no end right now that as those reigns were taken from Joe and the IDNR by people like you jjas........ their prophecy has now come true...... and somehow that's "Joe's Fault and he needs to explain how to fix it".............. LMAO!!!

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