It took a generation of hunters to get us where we are today, "a declining deer herd".

So what's the answer?

Do you think that the state of Indiana can support a larger herd? How large? How is that decided? How do we know when that number has been reached? What determines a growing herd in your mind? Higher harvest numbers? One buck/one doe harvest ratios?

If you want to grow hunter numbers, how do we do that? With hunters struggling to find places to hunt now and being forced onto smaller and smaller parcels as the years go by, how would you suggest more and new hunters go about finding private land to hunt on? How about securing funding for more public land?

What about habitat? Do you think Indiana has the habitat (especially in the northern half of the state to support more deer? If not, how would you suggest going about improving the habitat? How would it be paid for?

You've obviously been involved on a state level for years. Are there things that you wish you might have done differently? Are there things that you feel you can accomplish in the future that you weren't able to in the past?

Do you feel that the IDNR has been ineffective? Do you feel that the leadership past/present is somewhat to blame? Do you blame those of us who didn't support prop 1? Do you support CDACs (or similar groups) like the IWDHM pushed for? Do you support the new survey being taken by hunters from the IDNR when you check your deer in? Do you think it will provide valuable input?

With all due respect, it's easy to drop the "you get to reap what you have sown." card, but in reality you've been @ the forefront of these issues during the time it took to get where you say we are, so can you see a way to "fix" it?

I hope that you will take the time to answer the above questions. I'm certainly not looking for an argument, but I would love to hear your opinions on the subject 5 years after prop 1. I'd truly appreciate it.

Thanks for your time.