I think we must manage the deer herd ourselves, as once again, "The powers that be" have failed us. My daughter seen one buck opening day. One....My kids are old enough that we all hunt now. Our whole family has seen 0.....0 doe's... This has happened on places where we used to see dozens of deer over the course of the seasons. Should I see one, which I believe at this point is very unlikely, I will certainly let it walk, and when M.L. goes out we'll be done.... If you want your children to be able to hunt, if YOU want to be able to hunt in 5 years time,PLEASE stop shooting every doe in the woods. When was the last time the Government had a good idea? Indiana's plan to eradicate the deer herd is right on time with the rest. So PLEASE Dont fill your 700 doe tags, and stay home with your families after Christmas!!

SHHH.... Be vewy vewy quiet,I'm hunting WABBITS