Originally posted by Double B:
Yes it will apply to the Hoosier NF, if it stands. But I dont think it will stand either. Someone or some entity will challenge this in court if they try to stand on it and I would be more than glad to get in on funding legal action if it comes to it.

Neither Govenor Holcomb nor Director Clark have returned my emails or phone calls, but somebody's got some explaining to do. Their 2 names are in the top of IN DNR letterhead, so the buck stops right there. They can't hide and cover it up forever, eventually the truth has to come out and the incompetence exposed. This has ticked me off more than any other move the IN DNR/IN Govt entanglement has ever done. Just backward and underhanded.

They may think public land hunters are a bunch of backwards bug eaters, well they can think again. I'll see them in court if it comes to it and I am 110% serious. If anyone wants to pool resources to fight this government overreach, get w me and let's organize a hunter's rights defense fund. I know plenty of attorneys and will be joined in fighting this if it comes to it. I've been hunting our public lands for 20 plus years and I will not accept this late development without due process.
read here... http://www.hoosierhunting.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/topic/1/7747/2.html#000016

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"