By the way Brew, sheep in Indiana, all over the state have scrapie. Scrapie and CWD are the same prion, name only refers to the species carrying the prion. Look it up, do something constructive. Do you see mass killings of sheep in a 10 mile circle? Don't you think it is already in Indiana but they don't want to find it yet. If found in wild first, DFW would be responsible with our dollars, if found in captive deer BOAH would me. Would say all these sheep with scrapie are around a few deer. So you check your facts. Convienient wipe off handy with them sheep, hope there was no srapie on the sheep farm you visited way back in the day.

Ty thought you were done, hear you go again, playing numbers and attempting to be smarter than everyone else. Though you said you were done. You all are hurting hunting more than you even realize. I hope someday you open your dang eyes.