Originally posted by ferb55:
Ok guys, so to be clear. I don't really care for the way the IDWHM handled their movement. Well intentioned and truth be told they make some fair points. But in the end, they came in with a hammer and expected everyone to take their word. Just doesn't happen like that.
To my point above though, If the president of an organization sits on a board or attends a meeting and is introduced as the representative from that organization he/she is clearly representing the members of his/her group. Numbers don't really matter here, although it is clearly implied here that the president does have a significant number of members and has his finger on the pulse so to speak of those members. However, in this instance are the actual "deer hunters of Indiana" being honestly represented? I would ask how? Even without numbers, when was the survey distributed and completed? What was the rate of return? what were the results? How do we expect to have any real influence at the state level when what we really are is an unorganized group of hobbyists who truly cannot even unite themselves?
I am all for the IDHA in some form representing me at the state level. But, to have one person claim to be that voice...my voice..without every attempting to reach me is not it.
I am well aware of who the president is and choose not to use his name here only because it doesn't matter who is in that position, only that the position further the agenda/comments/desires of his or her membership.
So again...was there a survey taken, were the results compiled and reported and how many active members does the IDHA have? These are simple, objective questions with no slant either way.
While I can appreciate the time and effort that the IDHA and IWDHM have given, it makes zero difference to me how many members the IDHA has or how many likes the IWDHM has on facebook as I don't want either one speaking for me and I've made that abundantly clear from prop 1 to now.

I hope that Joe Caudell can figure out a method of allowing ALL citizens (hunters and non-hunters alike) to have direct input with the DNR and let them know what we like and don't like about the present regs, our perceived state of the deer herd and new reg proposals in the future.