Well, I contacted Denise Derer and asked where BOAH was in their decision to release the bTB test results. She replied by saying that the veterinary test results are classified as confidential under Indiana law and BOAH's attornies are reviewing my request to release this data. So things are stalled. I really doubt that they will release this information to me. Denise stated that the owners of the cattle that tested positive for bTB would have these results readily available as I stated earlier. I am under the impression that Indiana's deer herd is owned by the residents of Indiana, if so, shouldn't the test results for any deer be readily available to any tesident of Indiana? I decided to contact my State Rep today and requested his help. We will see how this plays out. I am planning on attending the bTB meeting in Brookville tonight.

Never live in the past but always learn from it.
- Anonymous