I just heard from Denise. BOAH is trying to decide whether documentation that shows that the one deer that tested positive for bTB in Franklin county should be available to the public or not. How can I be the only person that has asked for this documentation? How can this documentation not be readily available to the public? I was under the impression that the people of Indiana own the deer herd? Hopefully BOAH will make the right decision and send this information to me.
Also, I confirmed that the landowner whose cattle were destroyed because of testing positive for bTB has indeed requested to see the documentation showing that his cattle tested positive and has not received it. It was 2011 when the bTB was said to have been detected. Is it too much to ask that the owner of the cattle have access to this documentation? He never got a report on bTB despite a demand letter from his attorney. A few days after the demand letter was received, he was audited by the IRS. The audit went on for eleven months. That was probably just a coincidence.
I'll let you know if I actually get the documentation that I requested but it doesn't look promising.

Never live in the past but always learn from it.
- Anonymous