Early last week I thought my season was over. Well, a lot of things could have been over.

After talking to an ER Doc friend about pain on left side, I was admitted to our local hospital with a bilateral pulmonary embolism. Yes, a blood clot in each lung due to long plane ride from Africa. It could have been pretty bad but the pain was a blessing and a diagnosis was made. I will be on the blood thinners for 6 months.

After a series of tests, CT scan, and echocardiogram of my legs, I was released this past Tuesday to do whatever I want without restrictions. I just have to be "careful" while in a tree. I guess doc needed to know how anal we are about safety.

Last week threw me for a double whammy. I was released on Wednesday. Saturday, I received a call early about a friend and church member who laid down in yard because of not being able to breathe. He passed away before they got him to the ER. He was diagnosed with what I have and just got back from long trip. I officiate his funeral on Saturday.

We never know fellas. This week I have hugged my wife and kids more.

Fishing and honeybee time