(from another site)

"There is an unfortunate situation unfolding around this buck. The antlers were confiscated this past weekend by the Iowa DNR. The kid who shot it is 19 years old. The buck was shot with a crossbow, which is illegal in Iowa unless a doctor can provide documentation of an upper extremity problem that renders a person unable to shoot a compound bow. Last year, Austin Pontier was issued a crossbow permit due to a shoulder injury sustained while wrestling in high school. The latest information I am hearing is that he did not get his crossbow permit renewed for this season, therefore making his crossbow an illegal weapon. I hope this does not end up being the case, as the buck gross scores 214" typical and has a legitimate shot at Mel Johnson's 204 7/8" net archery typical record. The Iowa DNR has a reputation for being overly aggressive in situations like this...IE the Joe Franz Buck. It has also been reported the Field & Stream had previously offered Pontier $75,000 to keep the story about the buck off of social media and give them an exclusive cover story on it. Bass Pro also reportedly offered the kid $300,000.00 for the antlers. Both offers were made before the DNR took the rack this past weekend."

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"