I kinda wished we would adopt Maine's way of harvesting... You are only ONE deer, PERIOD... They have some areas where you may take an extra Does but we could do our own thing here...

Now, I would never tell anyone how to hunt (like some people here like to do) and I say, take whatever makes you happy, however, if you were only limited to one deer people would be a lot more choosy and not shoot dinks that may only yield enough meat for a slick meat sandwich...

I only hunted two day this year (got my deer the second morning of gun season)... I shot a half-racked buck that probably weighed up in the range of 220 - 250 pounds... I knew my season was over the second I shot him due to his size... I KNOW when to stop unlike some... If I had to continued to hunt then I was out to shoot and not hunt... I didn't need anymore meat as I still had half a Doe from last year...

I SMH when I see people think they have all the answers and say their ideas are part of the solution and come here and boast about their "successes" of killing multiple deer a year and then complain when everybody does it and ***** about deer numbers being down... If you want to help make your hunting experience better, then start by changing YOUR hunting habits first before you complain about others hunting habits

Killing multiple deer and then continue to go out into the field for more IS NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION, IT JUST AND ADDS TO THE PROBLEM...If you are going complain about something then do not participate in it...

I do not like nor agree with the late gun anterless season, therefore, I do not participate in it... I do not have the time nor put in the effort to to shoot my bow, therefore I haven't archery hunted in a few years... I haven't shot any of my muzzleloaders or hunted in the muzzleloader season in over ten years... Maybe that is why I see deer every year when I hunt... I KNOW when to quit and I know when to adjust my hunting when I see a problem... The past few seasons have been my best hunting... I stopped shooting multiple deer, I went to using a single shot gun (though I did kill my deer this year with a four shot rifle I tried hunting with my buddy's rifle) and I have truly enjoyed my hunting experience... The only issue I have with rifles is the safety aspect due to bullet travel capabilities but I'm not against their use for hunting...

Now I will agree with you Dew, pav, and Jeff that 40 day gun hunting is a bit much and I have publicly stated so... If I had the opportunity to change hunting, I would get rid of the late gun season, move muzzleloaders into the general firearm season and do away with its own season as it is not needed if you can use them there... But I would keep the season where it is at and at 16 days to give Hoosiers who pay for the privilege to hunt plenty of opportunity to do so...

Shorting the gun season may help a little (but not by much) with numbers... Only allowing a buck and doe or two does per year max would do a lot more in bringing back deer numbers as it would FORCE people out of the woods and help elevate the pressure on the herd... Also,I believe that if you shorten or move the firearm season that the General Assembly WILL GET involved and put it back... They got involved in allowing rifles, they'll get involved here as well, mark my words... So arguing for a shorter and moved season probably is pretty much moot...