Originally posted by jjas:
While your points about NR hunting in Iowa are valid, resident hunters (and I know a few) have found that leasing costs have risen so high that many resident Iowans can no longer afford to hunt private ground. I have a buddy that has lived in Iowa his entire life and he told me when he came down here to hunt last month that he just can't afford the leases any longer in Iowa.

As far as public ground goes, I would imagine that those resources will be stretched as well as more Iowa resident hunters transition from private ground to public resources.
I know a dozen guys that go hunt Iowa and though they'd all love to lease not a one of them do. That is because they are only able to draw once every four years. Doesn't make much since to lease when that is the stipulation. Plus Iowa sets an exact amount of tags that are given out. No different crowds now than from years ago. And if it ever is too high of hunter numbers all they need to do is decrease tags available. Like I said not apples to apples as IN regs aren't comparable but it is possible with the right system.

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