Originally posted by Yaz:
Originally posted by jjas:
Originally posted by APIbowhunter:
[b] I think the simple solution would be for all the people that gripe about Indiana's deer regulations to sit out a few seasons and see if the deer herd grows to the numbers they think it should be. I think it's funny that people gripe about low numbers of deer but still hunt.
I agree completely. But not only will that not happen, some of these people are more than happy to talk out of both sides of their mouths and b*tch and moan about season lengths and dates, yet they are more than happy to take advantage of those seasons, if it means killing a buck they can post hero pics of, so as to try and feed their giant egos.

I find them to be hypocrites and that's all they will ever be.... [/b]
Well……I guess If me griping about the lack of deer, not killing a single doe in the last 15 years (when i seen it coming) and only taking a buck every three to four years as I need meat, makes me a hypocrite, then so be it. But I'm **** sure not going to sit out a "few seasons" and continue to watch it decline from the couch…..its going to decline whether I'm hunting or not, because I have ZERO impact on our local herd with the way I hunt. [/b]
I agree with not setting on the couch... I also don't belive folks should be pushed out of hunting because they can't get time to only hunt Few days or less a year! Hunting shouldn't have to be a Rush...IMO.

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"