Since Rush and Wayne counties came up in the discussion, I took the time to look @ the harvest data for the seasons 2009-2015.

For Rush County the average # of antlered deer harvested was 171. The high was 193 in 2014.

The average # of antlerless deer harvested was 190. The high was 217 in 2014.

The average # of deer harvested was 369. The highest was 410 in 2014.

This season the allotted bonus antlerless permits available was 1 per hunter.

For Wayne County the average # of antlered deer harvested was 458. The high was 508 in 2010.

The average # of antlerless deer harvested was 652. The high was 700 in 2012.

The average # of deer harvested was 1111. The highest was 1143 in 2010.

This season the allotted bonus antlerless permits available was 3 per hunter.