Make a sign using orange paper, type :

Hello tree stand owner. You are on private property that you have no permission to be on.

Remove your stand and do not return by XXX date or it will be removed and turned over to the DNR.

If you are caught on the property you will be charged with trespassing and any other violation you are breaking.

If you would like to discuss this please call me at :

Make this so it fits 2 on a standard page and then have them copied on thick paper , cut in half and then sealed with laminant.

Then punch a hole in one corner and get some zip ties and attach them to the ladders or ladder sticks eye level.

This will help.

Or you can do the same, just leave your name and number and when they call then tell them you will meet them at the stand site and show up with the game warden to arrest them.

Either one works WONDERS, especially if you get one or two arrested, word will spread QUICK

Beauty is in the eye of the "bow holder"