We kill 7 days a week on public Chevy! But, given the choices I wholeheartedly agree. Turkey season can get dangerous on weekends especially. I called in a dude from Indy right down below me on a dry branch rock bar opening weekend on Sunday morning last year........should have been in church but luckily no issues besides a skeered off gobbler and more hunting for me. If you can, enjoy OUR lands, especially if you are a taxpayer like me......it's ours to enjoy.

Last 2 bucks also straight outta Hoosier, were Saturday morning kills and last two yrs gobblers for me personally, was Fri and Sat respectively. What's the best day to hunt? When you can! Now I did see a bunch more traffic on the weekends this past year including license plates from MI,MN,TN and KY in deer season. Probably one of the reasons why leases are going up and getting more popular I'd reckon.

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