Thought I would post this for those on this site that need to learn how to deer hunt rather than complain about it. smile It sounds to me though this is more about eating deer vs. measuring them. So you can leave your tape measure and computer and I phones at home as real hunting equipment will be provided. smile I'm guessing that from what I read on this and other hunting sites that the IDNR will probably have to bring in an outside expert to teach this class on actual deer hunting.

Have you ever wanted to try deer hunting but don’t know where to start? Our Hunt, Fish, Eat: White-tailed deer classes take you from beginner to hunter in this four-session course. Sessions will focus on the following fundamentals: deer biology, laws and regulations, archery and firearms safety, locating a hunting spot and preparing your harvest for the table.
Each session will include an opportunity to sample wild game recipes. You will also learn what gear and resources are available to hunters today. Sessions will be held at different locations in the Indianapolis area.
Participants are asked to attend all sessions, must be new to deer hunting in Indiana, and have an interest in hunting for food. All equipment will be provided.

Classes will take place on Tuesdays or Wednesdays starting August 25 or 26.

See what it’s all about with the video below:

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..."