Russ Bellar rented the booth right across from the Hoosier Record Buck display and the IDHA booth. Said it really cost him but he wanted to make a statement. Said he had 1000's signing up for a free hunt at his place. I ask if they told them it was behind wire and he said sure they did.
I walked over to his booth with Russ and asked a guy who just signed the paper if he knew it was a fenced hunt. He said no he didn't. Russ said they got to know that those deer are not wild. We will see that list in the legislature. Disappointed that the Renfro's allowed him to put that booth across from us. Maybe it time to look elsewhere to have a scoring and display. It is just further evidence that the industry is trying to piggy back on what the average sportsmen and public management of our Natural Resources have done. Would people come to Indiana to hunt deer and pay what they pay if we had no deer like we did when I grew up? No. They come here to say they killed a big deer leaving out the part where they killed it. Pure Machismo.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..."