Clean your boat to protect Indiana waters

Fourth of July week is prime boating time, which also makes it prime time for aquatic pests to hop from one body of water to another, courtesy of an unsuspecting person's trailer or watercraft.

Plants such as Eurasian watermilfoil, hydrilla and others can make waters virtually unusable and cause property values to plummet if spread. Creatures such as zebra mussels can clog drains and pipes. Fish diseases such as the emerging VHS (viral hemorrhagic septicemia) can result in large, widespread fish kills.

Simple steps can slow aquatic pests

-Remove all plants from boats and trailers before leaving the boat ramp.

-Dispose of all unused baitfish, including fish parts, on shore (in a garbage receptacle). Never release them in the water.

-Dry the boat, trailer and other gear, such as oars or skis, completely before going to another body of water. This includes draining the bilge, live wells, bait buckets and anything else that might contain water at the ramp.

"Indiana has some great aquatic resources; however, they are threatened by invading species of plants and disease that can destroy our natural resources and the recreational opportunities that come with them," said Doug Keller, Indiana's aquatic invasive species coordinator.

This time out and every time thereafter, make it a point to stop aquatic hitchhikers. For more specific information about steps to protect waters, go to

Media contact,
Marty Benson,
DNR Communications,
(317) 233-3853,
cell (317) 696-9812

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