I copied this from another site. Didn't know where to put this but it seems like the legislative section was a good as any. A DNR employee posted this on the other site and its good info on legal or other questions that folks may have.
I am a DNR employee with the Division of Fish and Wildlife. Any questions you might have on DFW related issues, always feel free to send them to dfw@dnr.in.gov. This is the email associated with this account.


"We try to answer emails within 3 working days, sometimes it takes longer depending on who we have to send it to within our staff.

Your best bet to get your questions answered quickly is either through that email address or on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/INfishandwildlife?ref=hl

or twitter: https://twitter.com/INFishWildlife

As I montior that everyday. I will try to answer questions here as time allows as well.

Thank you,

Michelle Cain, Wildlife Information Specialist
Indiana Division of Fish and Wildlife"

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"