Indiana Bowhunter Assocation


Order Banquet Tickets

Note this date is much earlier than previous years. Tickets on sale now at the IBA website.
Doors Open at 1 pm; Membership Meeting at 3 pm; Dinner at 5:00 pm;
Guest Speakers at 6 pm; Awards at 6:45 pm; Live Auction at 7:00 pm
The banquet will be held at Primos Banquet & Catering 2615 National Avenue Indianapolis, IN
Dinner will once again be by pre-paid reservation, with tickets going on sale January 1
You do not want to miss this one!

Featuring a display of Fred Bear items by Gene Hopkins.

DNR booth for question and answers.
Guest speakers Bryan Burkhardt and Jim Eeckhout will be recounting their Alaskan TRIBUTE HUNT
The year was 2019 and it marked the 60th anniversary of the 1959 Little Delta hunt in which both Fred Bear and Glenn St. Charles were in the hunting party. To pay tribute to these couple of great men that pioneered the way for today’s bowhunters, Bryan and Jim undertook an adventure. Using original 1959 Bear Kodiak bows, Northwest Archery arrows (including some with original feathers from the 1959 hunt!), and a plethora of period correct gear, Bryan and Jim headed to Alaska in pursuit of moose. Come hear the details of their adventure first hand. They may even conclude with a picture of a moose!

Order Banquet Tickets

Attached Files
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