
Indiana Legislation begins

Posted By: HatchetJack

Indiana Legislation begins - 01/02/2017 10:24 AM

Senate bills are starting to appear. Nothing for Natural Resources yet but there are some interesting bills involving firearms and even regulation of Tannerite. I'd expect many more bills including the budget to appear this week and the rest of the month.


Posted By: HatchetJack

Re: Indiana Legislation begins - 01/09/2017 04:07 PM

Here is the new legislation eliminating the handgun permit:

Posted By: BREW...

Re: Indiana Legislation begins - 01/09/2017 04:44 PM

Regulation of firearms. Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Specifies that a person who may otherwise legally carry a handgun is not required to obtain or possess a license or permit from the state to carry a handgun in Indiana. Makes conforming amendments. Allows a resident of Indiana who wishes to carry a firearm in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain an Indiana firearms reciprocity license from the superintendent of the state police department.
Posted By: HatchetJack

Re: Indiana Legislation begins - 01/09/2017 05:22 PM

Income tax credit for firearms safety expenses

Posted By: BREW...

Re: Indiana Legislation begins - 02/06/2017 07:48 PM

February 7, 2017HOUSE BILL No. 1415_____DIGEST OF HB 1415 (Updated February 6, 2017 1:20 pm - DI 109)

Synopsis:Various natural resources matters. Adds certain structuresthat are eligible for institutional road fund money on department ofnatural resources (DNR) properties. Amends the definition of "operate"for purposes of the operation of a motorboat near a shore line. Providesthat certain fees concerning fish and wildlife, entomology and plants,water resources, lakes and reservoirs, dams, flood control, mineralextraction, channels, and well drillers and pump installers areconsidered to be minimum fees. Allows the natural resources commission to set certain license and permit fees above the specificminimum fee. Specifies the type of rifle that may be used during the deer hunting season beginning after June 30, 2016, and ending before January 1, 2020. Requires that a hunter or trapper must make areasonable effort to remove a crippled or killed animal from a huntingarea. Removes language concerning issuing a free permit to take awild animal that is damaging or threatening to damage property or isposing a threat to the health or safety of a person or domestic animal.Removes authority of the director of DNR (director) to furnish point ofsale equipment to clerks and agents. Repeals distinctive hunting andfishing license provisions. Repeals bonding requirements for agentswho sell fishing and hunting licenses. Provides that an importationpermit is not required for game birds brought into the state under a (Continued next page)
game breeder's license. Requires the director to amend the state list of endangered species through rules. Removes the requirement that the director prepare a summary report of the date used to amend the state endangered species list. Allows DNR to use money in the water environmental fund to cover the costs of public awareness activities and certain litigation expenses. Removes expired language.
Posted By: cedarthicket

Re: Indiana Legislation begins - 02/17/2017 10:21 AM

Yesterday HB 1415 passed the House by a vote of 81 to 7. The bill now moves over to the Senate. There it will likely be assigned to the Senate Natural Resources Committee for its consideration.
Posted By: THROBAK

Re: Indiana Legislation begins - 02/17/2017 04:43 PM

What happened on HB 1202 on the river bank ownership
Posted By: tattoo

Re: Indiana Legislation begins - 02/17/2017 04:54 PM

HB1202 looks to be dead. Hasn't got a hearing and the dead line is next week.
Posted By: trapperDave

Re: Indiana Legislation begins - 02/18/2017 12:24 AM

Good. It should be dead! All navigable rivers in Indiana are owned by Indiana, up to the high water mark
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