I hunted the small Parke County property that produces deer for me about every year. It is a nice area that is primarily a transition zone between food and bed. Some bedding happens there and I see lots of buck sign there every year. I've killed a couple nice bucks there and seen many more. But today I was after antlerless tag fillers smile

In case you didn't notice it was COLD today. I mean cold. This was the coldest all day whitetail hunt I can remember. I was at it from first shooting light until the very end.

I sat this morning in my sure thing stand and got skunked smile About 10 o'clock I went back to my car for a cup of coffee and to check in with the property owner. There were several deer tracks through his front yard and I decided to track them for a bit. They led to two wooded points behind his house and above his small pond. It's a great view for the deer and it clearly worked for them as they apparently busted me some time that morning, probably walking to or from my stand. I continued to follow them to the opposite side of the pond and had a great vantage point for a little hollow. I sat there next to a tree for 30 minutes or so when I caught site of a buck chasing a doe. She got within range and I shot at her off-hand. I should have taken the time to move to a nearby tree for a better rest as I was pretty sure I missed. I then panicked and tried 2 more shots. Rookie mistake. Take your time, breathe, hold, squeeze.

The buck seemed very interested in me as he came to within 20 yards and then got downwind before following the doe again. He was a stud 8 pointer that I would love a chance at. The doe was still hanging in the same spot but I was out of bullets - doh! I'd left my backpack at the car when I decided to track the deer that walked through the owner's yard. What a dolt! Still it was exciting. I went back to get my stuff and then follow up on the shots. A very clear trail in the snow and no blood confirmed what I already knew.

I still-hunted the remainder of the property for a couple hours and saw lots of sign in the snow. Some massive rubs and several scrapes were throughout the property.

I finally settled in another stand down in the creek bottom that has several trails around it. It was 3:00 or so. Nothing showed for a while as the weather switched from calm and sunny to blowing cold air right up my britches smile I was well-prepared and sat very comfortably, almost too comfortably as I started to nod off. It's a ladder with a shooting bar and I was snugly tied into my life-line but I still needed to stay-awake. I swear my eyes were frozen shut though! I stood for a while to get the drowsies away. The wind was all over the place and I feared no deer would dare show with my stink all over.

About 4:07 I decided to sit back down and told myself I was probably going to leave around 5:30. No sooner had I done that and 3 deer showed up on a trail 70 yards away. I picked the one with the best shot and settled in. I remembered the lesson from earlier and held and squeezed just like I should. The shot felt good and the deer ran, 2 to the left and 1 to the right. A few seconds later I noticed a deer about 20 yards further out and settled in for the shot. This was a slam dunk and the deer ran almost a complete circle before dropping.

I gave it a few minutes and then eased over to the deer, a button buck. I assumed he was the one I shot at first but went ahead and followed up on the two trails that went left. No blood told me I needn't go any further. I trailed the buck from where he was shot to where he died and found blood sprayed on both sides but found some blood in the part of the almost complete circle that didn't seem right. I figured it was just splatter from him flopping and dressed the buck and made the drag back to my car.

As I almost got back to the car, I got a funny feeling and the weird blood was needling at me. I dropped off the deer and headed back. As I was trailing the button buck's death run again I found what I suspected and saw another blood trail breaking off. I followed it and found 2 beds where a deer had laid down for a while. The blood was not great and I feared a long track. 10 yards later I saw the deer, a doe down in a patch of grass but with her head up. I was positioning for coup de grace and she bolted but stopped 40 yards away. I hurried another shot and missed. Dang !!! I took my time and got a good hit on her on the second shot. She took off on her own death run and 50 yards later, she was finally mine. She had been hit low on the first shot and it barely clipped one lung. The spot she was shot was right where the button had died and she ran on the same trail he did for a while causing my confusion.

I am so glad that the snow was on the ground and made it obvious where the blood was. Also, I was very glad that I had teased out the circumstances through the blood in the snow and went back for another look. I'm also glad I have tomorrow off to cut meat!

Here's the pair.
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And I also answered the age-old question can a Honda Civic Si Coupe hold 2 deer smile

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