Back on point...

I have to say, the HPR issue still raises some safety concerns for me. It is difficult to voice those concerns without sounding like an anti...and I hate that.

Again, my knowledge of ballistics is lacking for certain. But I am aware that it doesn't take sniper level shooting skills to kill a big game animal at a 1/4 mile with the right setup. The fact longer shots will be taken...and the bullets that miss have the potential of traveling long concerning.

From the actual hunting perspective, I believe legalizing long range weapons is taking a step backwards in an already deteriorating sport. Is the guy that sets up on a field edge or power line with a weapon that allows him to reach out 1/2 mile or more (1/4 mile+ each direction) really hunting? I can only answer that for myself...and the answer is no....not even close.

That said, we live/hunt in an "opportunity" driven state, so my vote is probably moot.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.