Turkeys win ... Fri. AM had a tom gobbling actively at first light, got to 100 or so yds away (woods scenario), didnt put out decoys as I was afraid of being heard/seen and settled in at the base of a large oak within the woods .... he gobbled when I tree yelped/soft called ... I watched him and 4 others fly down.. one of the hens landed 25 or so yds away, she walked within 10 yds, purring/clucking,scratching leves .. the Tom was strutting 60 or so yds away thru the woods, he gobbled a few times and walked off to the w/sw, the hen then walked away into thicker saplings to the south...all never to be seen again/heard again, I sat there for over an hour .. got up only to follow a lone gobble way back in the marsh/woods ... it was a useless endeavor, but hey, I needed the exercise, was out till 11am, never heard another gobble, the winds went haywire around 10insh and went over 20mph + ..... ... nothing at all this AM and the winds were as bad or worse earlier in the AM ... time to go fishin' ..

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"