Lots of us know him and would want to know how he is doing.

He is a fellow sportsman who loves hunting and fishing more than most. Super guy. He once gave me a canoe, then insisted he be the one to climb underneath my truck in the snow to strap it down so I would not have to drive the hour and half home in wet clothes. Speaks to the kind of guy he is.

Welcome to the site.

Originally posted by freerange:
I am not sure I understand why Delaney needed to tell us he needed to leave Hoosier Hunter? If one does not like a place just leave , but why tell others ? Yes I get it that some do not see things as we or others do . O K that is life . I for one like to see what others think , that is why I am here Thanks
tynimiller if Delaney does not want to be here why are you telling us what he is doing ?