I'd plant winter wheat. Ive been planting food plots for over 10 years and if I could only plant one thing it would be winter wheat.

Don't plant it until mid to late Sept. Up north we have a no fly time of Sept 25 when the flies that attack winter wheat are gone. Check will your local ag dealer and see when the date is for your area.

I usually plant winter wheat and turnips, one next to the other and that makes my plot good up into late January or early Feb.

I suggest you buy your wheat early as possible because once farmers start buying it sometimes wheat gets hard to find. You can use ben run wheat but make sure its cleaned or you will get unwanted weeds. Use plenty of fertilizer about 300 lbs per acre.

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This plot is from a couple years ago, first clover, then turnips and far is winter wheat. When the deer came they would usually eat some wheat first, then eat clover or turnips but wheat was usually their first choice. Good luck, h.h.

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