Originally posted by THROBAK:
The IDNR is doing a great job. And sadly there are numerous CRP Funding opportunities out there for all types of Wildlife benefits, That are not used The IDNR has funding available, The USFWS has money. The problem believe it or not is getting people to use it,
Here in Jefferson Co. We had a grant to get rid of invasive weeds. Not One landowner applied . People Go to your Co. SWCD offices and ask whats out there The monies there People dont use it The Training there people dont use what they learn I have been to 3 wildlife workshops and another class that has been every Tuesday on Wildlife management for the Private Landowner THIS MONTH The IDNR has participated in them all and Purdue Extention and the USFWS has been there also So I am giving them all an A+
GREAT points... cool

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"