Originally posted by jjas:

You seriously are a piece of work.

If selfish is hoping that hunters in this state can hunt with a slug gun, muzzleloader, pistol, pcr, compound, recurve, longbow or crossbow, then...I guess I'm selfish.

If selfish means I think it's wrong to shorten one groups season to benefit another groups.....then I guess I'm selfish.

As far as the obr goes....I have/had no problem with it but I do think it's given too much credit for the improvements in the bucks in this state. Without the reduction in doe numbers the buck herd would not be in the condition it is. In other words...one wouldn't have worked, without the other.

BTW, I don't normally hunt other states. I might have a few times in the past, but not on a regular basis. There's no need to as there was/is plenty of quality deer in Indiana and there will be for years to come. Just ask B&C and the gentleman who killed the 2nd largest hunter killed buck anywhere here in Indiana last season. Yep...the herds going to h*ll in a handcar.....lol.

So you can continue to post your fairy tales about me but that's all they are...fairy tales that only you believe....

Sorry, one more thing...here's a link to book I think you may find helpful....http://www.amazon.com/How-Win-Friends-Influence-People/dp/0671723650
Just so we are clear, and you can quit worrying.....I did not get into this sport to make friends, hunt with, sway or influence people like yourself.....

.....I just expose them for who they are and what they represent......and for some unknown reason, they are uncomfortable even with their own "resume" when it is put in summary and writing for all to see.

That's pretty clear.....

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"Never argue with an idiot.....they will beat you with experience every time"