I think it depends on the age of the hunter, how long they have hunted and a number of other intangibles. Years ago I went to Idaville, Indiana to score a deer for guy. When I got to this guys place, it wasn't actually his deer but a guy who this gentleman was doing taxidermy for. When I entered this guys garage I was surrounded by a number of bucks that would go 140 or better. I commented about it and he said they were all his. He was an older gentleman and I asked if they were all in the record book and he said no. He said one was but that he didn't bother with the others. At the time, I was a little amazed at his comment. I also used to hang out and help, a little, at a butcher shop near Lake Cicott and would be amazed at how many times, although not overly frequently, that guys would leave 130'ish antlers behind and not want them. This was about 15 to 20 years ago.

The other intangible that might be affecting antler harvest the last couple of years is the disease that has hit some areas so hard. If the disease has taken the toll that some think, that might have an affect on the bucks and it might simply take a year or two for the bucks and age classes to reestablishment in a number of areas throughout Indiana. This too possibly could be an influence that has nothing to do with season length or even bag limits.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"