Just took quite a few calls from some that are seeing this, and the Fish and Wildlife recommendations. I found it interesting that NONE on the phone with me could give a rats butt on how this goes.........but EVERYONE of them was quite concerned by the statement of "we will review regulations in 5 years"........that's 2016 folks.

Each of them during the conversation was H E L L bent on making sure their neighbors knew and they knew......this next 4 years is going to be the largest drop in population of deer our state has ever seen in history. They were already coming up with ways to convince people to be responsible as to not "over harvest" just for the heck of it. Two also said they and others will now lease more ground to keep those out that have no self control.

Sportsmen appear to be at war with each other more than ever before since the NRC did what they did in 2011......and now at an all time high (and climbing) negative outlook of our NRC....and IDNR that is now trapped under the NRC's manipulation from 2011.

**Less Deer
**Less Quality
**Less License sold to hunters by 2016 due to dramatic drop in deer to hunt
**More leasing to "lock others out"
**More division between Hunters than ever before
**More distrust of the NRC than ever before
**More Indiana hunters looking for out of state deer hunting opps by 2016 due to ravaged deer herd at home

All since the NRC took over the IDNR in 2011 and made the IDNR throw out their "first choice" and made them settle for their "second choice".......and will continue to get worse on how sportsmen see the NRC clear to 2016. They (NRC Leadership) made their bed with those that they even said they were exchanging 100's of emails with in the last NRC session where Prop #2 was adopted......time to reap what they sewed.

Mark my words......There will be some ABRUPT changes for the 2017 season.

Not far away at all...... cool

Lots of "wheel greasing" time...... wink

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"Never argue with an idiot.....they will beat you with experience every time"