Took off Wednesday morning to the river in middle Tn on the hunt for a big fish. This trip is not a numbers game. We often fish from before light to after dark for ONE bite. We were met with miserable rain on Wed. which muddied the river. That was followed by terrible 20 to 25 MPH winds all day on Thursday, making fishing impossible. Trying to play a 2.5 MPH current with 20 mph winds just whipped my arse…..By Friday at noon, we only had 4 smaller 12-15lb fish. We had to down size our usual 12"-14" big fish baits to smaller ones just to get bit. The major fronts passed, and the weather kind of settled out, so Saturday was back to BIG baits. We left out in the dark, so we could be a spot with a nice current break by daylight. We fished that 400 yard stretch ALL day without a sniff. 20 minutes before dark…..She took a bait!!!! The scales settled out at 37.2! Sunday, was a perfect morning, no wind, and most of the debris floating in the river was gone. We could only fish till noon……..I got my chance. We ended the trip with 8 boated fish.

My fishing Bud Jeff with one of the smaller fish….15lb.
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Jeff's PB striper, caught late Friday afternoon. Whooper @ 28 +.
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Jeff's new PB at 37.2!!! That picture does not do that fish justice. She was a real cow!!!
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The only two bites we had Sunday morning came on my side of the boat. I was tickled to have caught this 16'ish lb fish.
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One more pass………This fat bottom girl took a bait! 30lb-11oz.
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