I hunted there two weekends ago and killed a small buck on Sunday morning. Shot him standing broadside about 50 yards with a .45 T/C Hawken using 55grains of 3F black powder and patched round ball.

The deer ran about 50 yards and died. I saw him take off and then I couldn't see because of all the smoke. The smoke cloud hung in the air for 5 minutes or more.

After reloading I went to find the blood trail and there really wasn't much blood. I slowly followed the trail kind of watching ahead and finally I spotted him laying with his back to me.

He was a 4pt buck, 1.5 year old. Gutted, tagged and dragged him out with the help of my hunting partner.

At the check station they weighed him and counted his teeth. This is done to 1.5 year bucks to help gauge the health of their deer herd.

7 deer were killed Saturday and 10 on Sunday. 240 showed up on Saturday and 120 on Sunday out of 420 hunting spots. They plan to increase the draw quota next year.

It was a fun hunt and I hope to do it again next year. h.h.

If you're not a hemorrhoid, get off my butt.