The reason, I push safety is it happend to back on Oct. 16th Jasper Pulaski F&W area..... in the early Am backed packed a stand in with climbing stick and I didnt put the no skid strips on the the sticks up, went to put the stand up, the strap got hung up and as I reached to untangle it, my foot slipped of a rung and back I went....about 20 ft....landed on my left ankel half sitting...knocked mny azz out for about 5 I layed there and woke up gasping for air, all I could think of was how the **** was I going to get back up and hunt....I used the bow as a crutch to get out, I was about a half mile from my truck and no one else around.....I drove myself to the ER in Valparaiso, using a clutch(That hurt). When I got to the ER, I couldnt move, my back had stiffened up, I layed on the horn till the ER people came out, got a back board, put me on it.......broke the left ankle and 2 vertabea and pulled about every muscle in my back has never been the same...luckily I still run and work out but I learned a lesson and now will use a linemans belt and harness.....

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"